Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Schoolroom

I thought it would only be fitting - as a re-introduction to myself and my life - to show you where I spend a good portion of my days. When Ryan and I made the decision to homeschool the boys last year, I immediately decided that we would need a schoolroom. I felt like the separate space would not only keep my sanity in check with all of the homeschool "stuff," but it would also help keep the boys focused and on task with their schoolwork.

I designated one of our upstairs bedrooms to be the perfect place. It has the most natural light of any room in the house, and it looks over trees and other houses in our neighborhood, so it felt like it would be a calm and serene place to spend our school time. This room had been inhabited by the previous owner's two young boys and they had built two "cubbies" out of sheet rock, one for a slide and one as a closet space.

(previous owners)
(another angle, after slide was removed)
With ideas of my perfect schoolroom in my head, I knew the cubbies had to go. After getting some estimates for removal and patching (anywhere from $400 - $1000....crazy!) I watched a couple of YouTube videos on sheet rock demo, talked to some experienced friends, bought a sledgehammer, and decided to just go for it. Ryan's parents came into town shortly after the demo, and Ryan's mom was so great to help me with the patching of the sheet rock. After a couple of coats of new paint, a handful of small white bookshelves, a craigslisted whiteboard, and a half a dozen trips to Ikea, the rest of the room came together.

This room is now one of my favorite rooms in my house, and is used constantly. I love having one large table that we all sit at together, as it really lends itself to conversation, cooperation, and collaboration. I've consolidated most of our children's books in the bookshelves as well as the art supplies, so even if official "school" is not is session, there is almost always someone in there working on a little project or sprawled out reading a book.

Do you have a special place where school work or reading takes place at your house?


Anonymous said...

well isn't this dreamy?! seriously, why can't we be next door friends ;> what lucky children you have.

we used to have a special space before we moved and i feel like i am constantly trying out new space ideas. utilizing our home space properly has been my new goal this year. seeing your room is wonderful inspiration ;>

Lisa said...

Thanks Tiffany! I definitely think we need to work something out so someday we can be neighbors...that would be dreamy. :)

Kathrine said...

WOW! What a difference 7 months makes! It really is a serious learning room. I love the white shelves. They covered up the unprofessional patching and painting on my part. :) It's fun to be a part of your world again through your blog.

Nikki said...

That is one impressive room! Way better than a germ filled elementary school room! I must admit I scrolled through the pictures in awe mostly because I would have never guessed you would teach at home when we were in chemistry together so many years ago! :) Seriously, way way cool!

Chelsea said...

looks awesome, girly. love it. wish i could pull of homeschooling.