Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hello Sunshine!

I had every good intention of blogging this past week, but the sun decided to make an appearance and all indoor activities were shelved.  Any good Oregonian knows that when the sun comes out, you play, because it is impossible to predict how long he will stay, or how long it may be before he returns again!  We are coming up on one of my favorites times of year in Oregon.  Everything is green, the flowers are in bloom, and the weather is PERFECT.  After being cooped up all winter, I am more than a little anxious to spend some time outside.

Between baseball games, water fights, bike rides, and park time, we have been busy making the most of our time with the sun.

She got in a bit of the action too
Don't mind Brayden's purple bike.  It's a spare he ended up riding for a family bike ride after his popped a flat. 
 In fact, the photo below shows how he really felt about riding it. :)

Charlotte is our ultimate bike rider.  She was our earliest learner and she is the biggest fan.

Do you have beautiful weather right now?  What are you doing to take advantage of it?

1 comment:

Meg said...

And there is that cute gift bag basket! You'll be so glad you captured that when the "official" basket arrives.